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justice power

Legal Empowerment and Immigration Project

strategy webinars

Virtual Teach-In on Community Legal Advocates

Join us for our teach-in on Community Legal Advocates with the Immigration Advocates Network, VIISTA, and Kituo Cha Sheria.

Virtual Teach-In on Community Hotlines

Check out the recording of our teach-in on Community Hotlines with the Immigration Advocates Network and Grassroots Leadership.

Virtual Teach-In on Pro Se Legal Clinics

Check out the recording of our teach-in on Pro Se Legal Clinics with New Sanctuary Coalition, Esperanza and the Immigration Advocates Network.

Virtual Teach-In on Community-Driven Litigation

Check out the recording of our teach-in on Community-Driven Litigation with Organized Communities Against Deportations, Beyond Legal Aid, and the Immigration Advocates Network.

Legal Empowerment During COVID-19 - From Justice Power to #FreeThemAllOpens in a third party website

Organizations within the Justice Power network are responding with resilience and creativity to meet the justice needs of immigrant communities during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Tech Innovation

Introducing our newest grassroots strategy, featuring highlights from CLINIC, Innovation Law Lab, and VIISTA.

Virtual Teach-In on Tech Innovations

Check out the recording of our teach-in on Tech Innovations with the Immigration Advocates Network, Innovation Law Lab, and VIISTA.

what is justice power?

Justice Power is a documentation project that partners with immigration advocates, community members, and lawyers in the United States to archive legal empowerment strategies that help immigrant communities to know, use, shape, and transform the laws that impact their lives. This is an evolving documentation project, with new organizations and methods updated as the research continues. Justice Power’s main goal is to educate and raise awareness about the process of legal empowerment.

Legal empowerment STRATEGIES


Community-Driven Campaigns

Community-Driven Litigation

Community Paralegals

Community Wellbeing



Know Your Rights & Popular Education

Pro se Legal Clinics

Tech Justice

“When we think about transformation and what that looks like, we know and believe that the people who can transform the system are the people that have been through the system.”

Claudia Muñoz

 Community organizer based in present-day Texas

A woman wearing a t-shirt which says "Shut down Hutto"


The Justice Power network is convened by NYU School of Law’s Bernstein Institute for Human Rights (and formerly with the Global Justice Clinic). The website is part of a long-term documentation project launched in 2018 that makes visible the impacts of legal empowerment programs to advance the rights of asylum seekers, refugees, and immigrants in the United States. It is intended to encourage adoption and funding of these strategies, and to connect organizers and organizations. We do not provide direct services. Interested in joining the network and highlighting your legal empowerment strategies, being connected with a featured organization, suggesting resources, or wanting to find out more information? Contact us at: [email protected].