just futures law
“We’re not trying to build the power of law, we’re trying to build the power of people.”
– Sejal Zota, Legal Director, Just Futures Law
What We Do
community-driven litigation
Just Futures Law thinks of itself as co-designers and co-strategists with its grassroots and base-building partner organizations.
tech justice
Just Futures Law creates pathways for impacted communities to protect themselves and their resources and defend movement activists and campaigns to reclaim data sovereignty, data governance, and rights for impacted communities.

Our Story
In response to grassroots groups and others who urged for a new form of legal support and partnership that serves communities and builds movement power, Just Futures Law launched in 2019. It seeks to transform how litigation can be led by impacted people. Just Futures Law designs and executes legal support, lawsuits, and advocacy with organized communities to dismantle mass surveillance, incarceration, and deportation systems. As an abolitionist organization, it critically engages with questions about reform and reformist change.
Just Futures Law is led by women of color and founded by four women who had worked at the National Immigration Project at the National Lawyers Guild. Its Board of Directors is composed of activists and organizers—all BIPOC and many of whom identify as LGBTQ2S+ or queer—who work on the frontlines of the immigrant rights and criminal justice movement.
Visit the Just Futures Law homepage.